Posts by Steven Creange (Page 13)


Admittedly, I am a little distracted this week and have only one thing prominently on my mind. Our first grandchild, Vinny, is due to arrive in this world on Wednesday, July 29, in Boston at the Children’s Hospital. As many of you already know he has been diagnosed with a heart defect. As of right […]


O.K., is it safe to comment on the recent passage of the same sex marriage law? As of June 26, 2015 same sex couples have the right to be legally married in all 50 states. This is a federal ruling that has been creeping its way state by state for the last ten years. Those […]

Soul Care

My daughter, Laura, bought me a “Fit Bit” for Father’s Day. A FitBit is a little device that helps to monitor your activity level, eating and other areas of your health. It works wirelessly and somehow records all the information and transposes it onto the application on your computer. It is really amazing and helpful […]

Lap of Luxury

On Wednesday afternoon I literally sat in the lap of luxury.  On Tuesday night I got a phone call from my friend from childhood, Michael Hennessy (we met in Mrs. Katz’ – first grade class) inviting myself and my son James to Wednesday’s Yankee-Phillies game at Yankee Stadium.  And these were not any ordinary tickets. […]

One More Day

Dear Dad, I sometimes think about  if I had one more day with you…a healthy you…what would I do?  What would I say, that I couldn’t say to you as you lying dying in a hospital bed in August of 1991.  Had I known that you would not make it through the night I probably […]

Engage The Word – June 17, 2015

1. Before you read, quiet your heart for one minute of silence 2. Read the following Scripture: 11 But the Lord forbid that I should lay a hand on theLord’s anointed. Now get the spear and water jug that are near his head, and let’s go.” 12 So David took the spear and water jug near […]

Engage The Word – June 16, 2015

1. Before you read, quiet your heart for one minute of silence 2. Read the following Scripture: 1 The Ziphites went to Saul at Gibeah and said, “Is not David hiding on the hill of Hakilah, which faces Jeshimon?” 2 So Saul went down to the Desert of Ziph, with his three thousand chosen men of […]

Engage The Word – June 14, 2015

1. Before you read, quiet your heart for one minute of silence 2. Read the following Scripture: 33 May you be blessed for your good judgment and for keeping me from bloodshed this day and from avenging myself with my own hands. 34 Otherwise, as surely as the LORD, the God of Israel, lives, who has […]

Engage The Word – June 13, 2015

1. Before you read, quiet your heart for one minute of silence 2. Read the following Scripture: 32 David said to Abigail, “Praise be to the LORD, the God of Israel, who has sent you today to meet me. 33 May you be blessed for your good judgment and for keeping me from bloodshed this day […]

Engage The Word – June 12, 2015

1. Before you read, quiet your heart for one minute of silence 2. Read the following Scripture: 29 Even though someone is pursuing you to take your life, the life of my master will be bound securely in the bundle of the living by the LORD your God. But the lives of your enemies he […]