Posts by Steven Creange (Page 36)

Five Dollars

I had a bit of a dilemma the other day. I was walking the dog when I looked down and saw a $5 bill. Now, understand, I never find anything of much worth. If anything I mostly find pennies…and I pick those up. Actually, I use to not pick them up until Susan told me […]

What Can You Control?

One year ago we were hit with what many describe as a once in a lifetime storm, Super Storm Sandy. I hope they are right, whoever “they” are. But I don’t know if they are correct or not. Nobody does. Its just a way to try to alleviate fears and to instill hope. But the […]

The Sound Of Answered Prayer

We had a wonderful weekend during our church retreat at the Taconic Retreat and Conference Center in Milan, New York. I can tell you about all the great fellowship and sharing, the great music and singing. I can tell you about the picturesque autumn scenery and the great fall weather. I love it every year […]