Posts by Steven Creange (Page 10)

An Election Prayer

 I can’t remember an election year with so much hatred, anger, accusation, vile, repulsive mud slinging, condemning, fear, ugliness and blind allegiance than this one.  And I am not even talking about the candidates, I am talking about Christians!  Somehow Christians on both sides of the political aisle have become more like the candidates than […]

“Pro Death?”

Some people view the coming election as a matter of life and death for our country.  People voting for the Democratic candidate believe that  if the Republican candidate gets voted in it will set our country back 50 years.  People who are supporting the Republican candidate fear that if “that woman” gets in our country […]

Storm Surge

As I write this Hurricane Matthew is pounding Florida, having already taken over 300 lives in Haiti.  It is causing extensive damage on land as large areas of coastal Florida, Georgia and South Carolina are evacuating.  Remembering Hurricane Sandy and witnessed the devastation that wreaked the Jersey Shore including the damage on our own home […]

Questions Anyone

When I was a  a young Christian in the early 1970’s there was a bumper sticker that stated: “God Said It I Believe It That Settles It”      I guess the intention of the message was to state that God’s Word is to be believed and trusted simply because it is God’s Word.  No […]


 Thursday night was the beginning of our District Assembly.  As always the time of worship was fantastic and the message given by Dr. David Graves was very inspiring.  But the highlight of the night for me was the sharing of the Lord’s Supper.  It was the first time that I can remember that we participated […]


And I Quote

We were at the Emotionally Healthy Leader’s Conference at New Life Fellowship in Queens the past few days.  Pete and Geri Scazzero along with lead pastor Rich Villodas shared a wealth of information and insight. When you go to a conference like this there is so much that is said it is hard to take […]

Tax Man

If you drive a car, I’ll tax the street If you try to sit, I’ll tax your seat If you get too cold I’ll tax the heat If you take a walk, I’ll tax your feet Taxman! ‘Cause I’m the taxman, yeah I’m the taxman April 15th is tax day in the United States. This […]


The Cross

About twenty years ago Rick Boland and a few guys from our church put together a cross and placed it on the front lawn of our church.  It is simple.  Two pieces of wood put together.  The years have weathered it to a dullish gray.  In its simplicity and plainness it is beautiful.  The cross […]

april fools

Fool’s For Christ

For years I did the same April Fool’s joke: I would wrap a rubber band around the kitchen sink sprayer so whoever first turned on the faucet would get soaked. As many years I did it somehow it was still a shock for whoever it was who got wet. It was funny for me…Not so […]


History Altering

The picture above may look vaguely familiar. Do you recognize it? Although it looks like just about any street in a typical city or town in the USA it is anything but typical. Is it familiar yet? When you look at it your eye may be be drawn down the roadway, towards the open space […]