Posts by Steven Creange (Page 2)

Nothing Left Over

Last Sunday the Kansas City Chiefs won the Super Bowl in quite an exciting game. I was rooting for the Chiefs to beat the San Francisco 49ers. Before the game I was going back and forth with my 4 year old grandson who was rooting for the 49ers. He couldn’t understand why I was rooting […]

Table Scraps

“Blessed are the un-entitled, the one hungry for the table scraps, the ones grasping desperately for the hem, the ones satisfied with the simple world of healing without the miraculous performance. They know there is power even in the remnants, the odds and ends. Theirs is the kingdom.” Amanda Held Opelt. My mother use to tell me […]

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Martin Luther King Jr. Day Monday is Martin Luther King Jr. Day. As the Church and the country continues to struggle with racism, and there are questions as to how we are to treat the stranger and foreigner and the sins of the past continue to haunt the present, we take a moment to reflect on the […]

That Time of Year

That Time Of Year So, the Christmas decorations are being packed away for another year. They remain buried in the closet for about 46 weeks and get to see the light of day for a mere six. Kind of like the groundhog, when they come out we know we have six more weeks of Christmas. […]

Caught on Camera

“Caught On Camera” It wasn’t his best moment, that’s for sure. On New Year’s Eve, as Pope Francis was turning away from greeting the throngs of people before he preached his message from the Vatican, a woman grabbed his hands and yanked him with force toward her. In an incident captured on video and spread across […]

One Solitary Life

One Solitary Life Every year at this time I am reminded of this essay by Dr. James Allan. As we reflect on and celebrate the birth of Jesus we do not simply remember His birth. That would be short sighted to do so. Indeed we celebrate His birth but we also celebrate and remember His […]

Spectator or Participant

Spectator or Participant? I look forward to the start of every sports season: Baseball begins around April but I start getting excited around February with the pitchers and catcher’s reporting to training camp and the start of Spring training games. We watch regularly until the end of October. Football season begins with training camp in […]

How Does It Feel?

How Does It Feel? My wife’s friend Rebecca is going through a very difficult time. She is in her late 60’s and recently has been showing signs of early dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease. She is having problems with her memory and becoming easily agitated. She is worried and so is her husband and three grown […]

Go To

Go To”       About 15 years ago Susan and I had a restaurant in town that we loved to go to called Tip Of The Boot.  The dinners were fantastic, the desserts homemade and delicious and the price reasonable.  We got to know the owner and his family.  It was very small and […]

Love Your Enemies

Love Your Enemies? How do you stand up to a bully? How do you show strength when your life is threatened? How do you fight back when you are attacked or insulted? Some say fight fire with fire.  Some say the bigger they are, the harder they fall.  My father use to tell me to […]