Reflections (Page 6)

Annual District Assembly May 7 – 8

  The Assembly will be held at Hanover Marriott Hotel  1401 Rt 10 E  Whippany  NJ  07981. If you will be signing up for the banquet you can go to , click on 2015 District Assembly and go to the bottom of the page to register Thursday night is an emphasis on missions and global ministry outreach.  Friday […]


The terrorist group IS (Islamic State) has painted a large Arabic letter “N” (nun), from the Arabic word nasara (meaning “Nazarene” to indicate Christian), on their homes to identify them as Christians. The Voice of the Martyrs is now serving Iraqi Christians who have fled the terrorists by providing them with daily necessities and assessing their […]

Nepal Earthquake

On April 26 a severe earthquake rocked Nepal, killing over 2,000 people and injuring over 20,000. There are several Nazarene churches and missionaries in and around Nepal and many people and pastors from Nepal serving on the Metro New York District. To make a donation for relief please go to (Nazarene Compassionate Ministries).   […]

Charlie Who?

Even if you don’t like sports you probably know the name Jackie Robinson. In 1947 he became the first African American to play in the major league baseball league (MLB) in the modern era. He crossed the color barrier and was a pivotal figure in the desegregation of baseball and sports. Many books have been […]

“Flying Above The Clouds”

  10 – 31 – 14 Last Thursday Susan and I flew down to Texas to spend a few days with our son James, who is attending Texas Christian University (“Go Frog Horns!”) It was cloudy and rainy when Deke drove us to the airport. It was cloudy and rainy when we were waiting for […]

“Dealing With Change”

  10 – 23 – 14 This is a long one!! Have you ever had things change in your life and wonder why? Have you ever been disappointed with a situation and then find that it actually led to something you never expected? Here is my most recent example of this. Every year for the […]

Five Dollars

I had a bit of a dilemma the other day. I was walking the dog when I looked down and saw a $5 bill. Now, understand, I never find anything of much worth. If anything I mostly find pennies…and I pick those up. Actually, I use to not pick them up until Susan told me […]