All Will Be Well

“All Will Be Well”

God speaks to us in many different ways. Some prominent ways are through Jesus, the prophets, Scripture, nature and people. He also speaks in more subtle ways such as a poem, a song or a beautiful piece of art. God will use a book or just a line from a book or simply a verse or song lyric. It doesn’t have to be long and it doesn’t have to be loud for God to speak to us (good advise for preachers!).

Julian Of Norwich was a Christian mystic who lived in England in the mid 1300’s. She was known for her life of seclusion, her dreams and visions and the writings that became popular long after her death. She lived during difficult times: plagues (Black Death), religious conflict and civil insurrection that impacted the city. In one of her more popular writings (Revelations Of Divine Love) she speaks of her optimism based on the certainty of being loved by God and of being protected by His grace. She describes a revelation from Jesus in which she heard Him say:

“All shall be well.”
“All shall be well.”
“And all manner of things shall be well.”

This was not a polyanish look at life. She was not practicing the power of positive thinking. She had a faith that was steeped in a contemplative life that formed her spirit and shaped her thinking. She truly believed what she said. Her faith and confidence was in Jesus and she had developed an intimacy with Him that made it natural for her to think:

“All shall be well.”
“All shall be well.”
“And all manner of things shall be well.”

I offer to you the simple words of Julian Of Norwich:

When you feel anxious about the Corona Virus:

“All shall be well.”
“All shall be well.”
“And all manner of things shall be well.”

When your heart is breaking over the loss of a loved one:

“All shall be well.”
“All shall be well.”
“And all manner of things shall be well.”

When the past has you depressed and the future is uncertain:

“All shall be well.”
“All shall be well.”
“And all manner of things shall be well.”

When you feel misunderstood and the pains of loneliness have gripped you:

All shall be well.”
“All shall be well.”
“And all manner of things shall be well.”

When bad things happen to good people:

All shall be well.”
“All shall be well.”
“And all manner of things shall be well.”

When your best isn’t good enough:

All shall be well.”
“All shall be well.”
“And all manner of things shall be well.”

When life is hard and the money is tight and everything around you seems to be falling apart:

All shall be well.”
“All shall be well.”
“And all manner of things shall be well.”

When you get tired of looking at the same four walls and your heart years for what use to be:

All shall be well.”
“All shall be well.”
“And all manner of things shall be well.”

When…………(Fill in the blank)

All shall be well.”
“All shall be well.”
“And all manner of things shall be well.”

Our hope is in Christ alone. He is our solid rock. He is in control and knows our every need. The world of now and the world of tomorrow is under His tender care. We believe that and we trust that:

All shall be well.”
“All shall be well.”
“And all manner of things shall be well.”

What do you think?
How does it make you feel?


Pastor Steven